Thursday, December 07, 2006


So, this is what it feels like to have gone all the way for a seemingly good interview only to get a call two days later and be told they've found a "more suitable applicant". Now I know. It feels horribly crappy. Not to mention rejected. I somehow think it's much easier getting a job in Malaysia. Now I wish I was some overseas correspondant for Xfresh. At least I still had a job and had a blast doing it.

On the bright side, I did get a free flat white during the interview- yeah I was interviewing for a job at a cafe. Wait, what the heck am I saying? I'm not even suppose to LIKE coffee! There is NO bright side. There is only the bitter after taste.

Now what? I've already sent in 15 other applications. One actually sent a rejection letter saying that "due to too many applications, they were not able to interview" me which in other words just means they couldn't be bothered to give me the time of day. Went for one interview which turned out to be a snag. So, what now?

Oh, get over yourself girl! It was only your FIRST job interview. Plenty more out there. Keep looking. Don't give up just yet. Getting rejected is all part of living, aint it? If nothing else, there's always uni to look forward to...

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