Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Made to Last...or Not

So, the Britster's finally decided to call it quits with K-Fed, ey? How many of you can honestly say you didn't see that coming? Raise your hands. And then there's the other big one before that- Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Philippe. Well that one I didn't see coming. They're one of those couples I thought would sick it out and actually make it in Hollywood. But then again, I thought Nicole Kidman and Cruise would last and see how THAT turned out! In the words of someone on TV (irony!) the definition of the perfect couple is the plastic figures that stand at the top of a wedding cake. Oh, how true that is!

But I'm not here to gossip. I just needed illustrations and it just so happens they happen to be the newest ones in the limelight. I mean, who am I to judge? I don't know the reason behind these split ups- don't believe everything you read in the tabloids because in the end, only the people involved in the marriage know why it ended- and therefore I know I'm in no position to say who's right and who's not. My point is this: Sometimes I wonder if people go into relationships for the sole purpose of wanting to get something out of it. What's in it for me if I get into a relationship with him/her? What can I get out of it? How will he/she benefit me?

Don't these people think about the repercussions of those failed relationships? How the other person's gonna get burnt? How the other person might feel. It's never about the other it? When I have a guy in my life, I swear I'm gonna enter into that relationship with his best interests at heart...or tey anyway. I'd hate to burn him and get something out of it for myself. In fact, I'd hate to burn anyone for that matter; it's just not the person that I am.

Just today I was watching re-runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S (season 1 I think) and it was the one where Chandler was seeing this woman who was already married and had two other boyfriends. Did you watch that one? While I love watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S and have nothing against that multi award- winning critically aclaimed series, I don't always agree with certain principals they adopt. Like in this episode, Chandler says how happy he is to have all the talk, all the sex and none of the responsibilities. Seriously, am I to believe that that is what replationships are all about in this century? Seriously?! What ever happened to "relationships require work"?

My question then is this: Are boy-girl relationships formed solely for the pleasure of wanting something back without thinking about the other person? Because if that's how it is, I'm actually a little frightened of being with someone I see myself falling in love with. Fear of being left just because he thinks he's taken everything that he needs out of the realtionship. C'mon, they're not all like that right? Right?!

Man, it's gonna be a long bumpy road. I guess that's why they say you can't go wrong if you love God, ey? HE'll never let you down. The real meaning of unfailing love. Never. Ever.

1 comment:

mythsn_legends said...

Interesting post ;)
Scares me to think that a relationship is created based on selfish reasons....
I guess I'm the type of person that would give selflessly in a relationship...which would be a tad dangerous if I end up with the wrong guy....
don't worry my dear, there are still many good guys out there...just need look at the right places....OR they will look for you when u least expect it ;)