Wednesday, March 05, 2008

So not the political kind but...

I'm not one to dabble in political debates. I accept that as opinionated as I may be, I'm not well read enough to talk about political issues. Maybe part of my ignorance is because of my lack of interest...I mean, it's bad enough that I'm more often than not swamped with and overwhelming amount of workload (yes, I'm known to have a wee breakdown every now and then when things get a bit much); why would I want to spend the little time I have left reading up on who promised to bring down bus fares and abolish the dol as part of their election campaign (which may very well be something I made up for lack of a better example), or which candidate is dissing the president and making endless mentions about how once a Malay person draws out his keris, it must not go back into its sleeve without a good fight? I'd much rather spend time with my family and mates at the beach, or going out for a good 'ol fashion comical movie (because there's nothing quite like it- besides a nice glass of red wine- to unwind after a long and impossibly rainy day). Or better yet, curl up in my happy place and have a heart to heart with my Creator.

But, when the upcomming election is all everyone around you can talk about, especially those who know walnuts about politics, then it becomes worrying. When friends who usually say things like, "man, we Malaysian are so lucky we get to eat all kinds of food" suddenly say things like, "eh, I think we need to pray for Malaysians' wisdom to vote lah" then you KNOW the situation is not so hunky-dory. The thing is though, this country has always needed God and after 50 years, that fact has not changed. Yes, I dare say it's a fact and not a mere opinion. So yes, let's continue to pray that Malaysia votes wisely and that we will move the hand of God to turn the situation around because at this point in time, there really doesn't seem to be much else we can do aye? And I believe with all my heart that if we fervently seek Him, there will come a change that we've been waiting for. After all, God is God, isn't He?

Having said that, I realize that what I'm about to say next is absolutely contradictory to what I've just said. Why is it that we had to wait for all these years before people started to stand up for what they believe in? Why have we waited till now to raise our concerns and speak our minds? Malaysia has always had some sort of political unstability...we've all known it- the seemingly undivided races (but really racial unjustice is one of the biggest underlying problems of this country), the ability to seemingly have free will in worship (but really temples have been broken down and churches have been coerced into shutting down), the seemingly free speech democratic country (but really if you diss the Prime Minister, you better start running because the ISA just might be chasing you down). Why wait till now to bring this all out in the open? Why weren't the opposing parites as gungho before? When did Malaysian politicians start airing out thier dirty laundry to as far as London? Why is this all only happening now when we all KNOW these were issues that were there all along? Why?

...are questions I should probably do some research on before I come back with an answer. Like I said, I don't claim to be in tuned to the politics of this country and I may very well be saying complete and utter bullocks but I'm convinced that at least half of the questions I've raised are not all together wrong.

I am going to bed now and shall not worry my mind off about this because I have quite a long day tomorrow. i might come back with a better explanation for all of this...or not but that's not the point. The point I's like to make here is this: Malaysia, please uphold your leaders and countrymen in your prayers because, this is uproar is not about to dust itself off easily. Big challenges are brewing ahead and if this is not the time Malaysia needs God, then I don't know when is. Join hands and keep P.U.S.H-ing. Keep Praying Untill Something Happens!

1 comment:

Johan said...

today's comment has a theme!-
something simple, something deep, and something green.


people will always stand up for what they believe in, but it takes a revolution to not just stand, but march.

The grass, the ocean from above, the sky from inside a green balloon..