Thursday, February 14, 2008

...of clothes and thoughts

Oh my gosh! I've become one of those people who have an impulsive need to buy nearly everything I happen to like though I may not actually necessarily need it. Oh no, could it be? Have I (dare I say it) succumbed to the overpowering force of consumerism? I think I've become a...*gasp!* shoppaholic without even realizing it. I was cleaning out my wardrobe (because I finally decided to give mom's nagging skills a break and also because I wasn't sure where some of my clothes hitchiked to) and the whole time I was looking, folding, rolling those clothes, I asked myself, "where in the world did all this stuff come form??!" I had absolutely no idea exactly WHAT was in my wardrobe and worse, how some of them even got there to begin with!

It's a good thing mom didn't catch me saying out loud because she'd totally get all up in my grill about all those times I whined about not having enough clothes. In my defense though, I don't ALWAYS go shopping and when i do it's usually because I need those clothes. I guess I just hadn't realized the enormity of this "need" that I've collected over time.

"I should stop buying clothes for a while" is what I would say if I actually meant it but I don' I can't...which makes me an even bigger clothes addict. But then again, my addiction to shoes is ginormously (giganticaly enourmous) incomparable to my love for them clothes, although again, in my defense there are worst cases than me; case in point, my sister who came back from KL with 7 or 8 pairs of shoes compared to my measly 4 or 5 pairs.

I realize that this is something I never would have been caught saying 7 years ago (because as a kid, I would climb trees, go fishing, play football in bare feet and hang out with boys more often than girls). Heck, I never thought I'd actually say something like this. I'm still in no position to make snide remarks on dresses celebs wear everytime I watch the Oscars or Grammy's but sure have come a long way since my 'jeans and t-shirt, baggy pants and even bigger shirt' days...or so I like to think. My grandmother would have been proud, I'm sure, since she always had something to say about my fashion emsemble, particularly when attending Indian weddings.

I have nothing clever to say right now and so I shall stop here for now. But after writing this I realized something else. I need to start writing more. I've become rusty and am not as sharp and quick-witted as I used to be and I keep making silly typo-s.

1 comment:

shobana s. said...

i used to love baggy pants and big t-shirts too!!! yay :D