Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Anger Management

If you've been a university or college student long enough, you would have, at one point or another, come to realize that the social circles run very differently as compared to high school. In high school, it's fairly simple to put almost every individual into various categories and box them up into streotypical social groups. Such groups include the athletes, beauty queens, cheerleaders, bitches, geeks, football/basketball teams, the 'emo' people, the ones who need a boost in their self-esteem and a whole lot of other sub categories that I can't seem to think of at the moment but am sure exist. Then there certain elite individuals that eventually become a brand of their own like the leading man of the soccer/rugby/basketball team and the captain of the cheerleading squad or the high school slut. You should know that I'm just expressing an opinion with no prior research on this matter as I came from a high school in the East. The above statements are made solely from the knowlege of what the media has fed me over the years.

Anyway, back to where I was. Things change when you move on to university. All those little circles link hands and become three big circles: the really academically brilliant ones, the slightly above average ones (I like to think I fall in this category) and my personal dislike, the ones who just couldn't give a rat's ass about what happens. The last kind is the worst because in matters pertaining to group work, they're the ones who, *insert suitable adjective here* the crap out of you? (I don't know how to say it politely!)

Unfortunately, I've had the "pleasure" of working with some of these fellas and let me tell you, patience? Not an easy Feat! The idea that they can be so irresponsible and not turn up for appointments and (what I hate the most) not answer messages/calls is beyond my comprehension! Honestly, I'm so over wroking in groups! Over it! I'm silently praying that karma will bite them back in the ass real hard. I know it's mean of me to do that but seriously, I wish they'd just establish thier lack of propriety early on in the assignment so I know they're not dependable and do something about it sooner.

I was so amazed at how angry I was with a certain partner of mine. I remember how my girlfriends in high school use to joke that I walked aound as if there was a little thunder cloud with a lightning bolt above my head. It's been almost 6 years since I felt like that....till yesterday. I swear, I would not have hesitated to shoot this person had I a gun and that's when I realized the enormity of my anger. Right then, I realized if it happened again, I just may have to go for anger management sessions. Yeah, it was THAT bad and I'm in no way trying to blow it out of proportion. The only saving grace this person had was his really gorgeous eyes- the kind that just might make you go weak in the knees if you stare into it long enough...which is why I almost never look him in the when we're talking.

God, please grant me the patience to deal with these people, the will to control my anger that I will not say something I will later regret, the courage to tell them how I feel and the strength to sustain me through the week.

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