Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sweedish Cum Kiwi Christmas

Christmas came and went like a whift of freshly baked cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Different as it was, it was a nice kind of different. I had a traditional Sweedish christmas (with Stolen* and all) in Kiwi Land. The sheep and cattle were present as well (but of course!). I mean, what's a Kiwi Christmas without those farm companions echoing 'Silent Night' and 'Away in a Manger', ey?

Here; I explain better with pictures:

Peter (the host) carving the leg of ham. It was actually covered with dough before roasting.

And this is where it was roasted. I've not seen this is a really long time.

How'd you think people lighted up thier trees in the olden days? It makes sense, don't it? Peter assured us there was a fire extinguisher in the kitchen =) Here, have a closer look of those candles. Or what's left of it anyway:

To sum, I had a better time than I thought I would. I honestly thought I'd be miserable and missing the presence of friends and family back home, but I actually had a good time. I truly believe that come Christmas season, even the loneliest of the lonely will find warmth in their hearts. After all, I did.

*Stolen is a type of bread usually made during Christmas and I think it's a traditional bread in Switzerland and Germany (and Poland?) and some other places I forgot.

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