Saturday, September 09, 2006

All New

Welcome to this new space of mine. Yes, I've taken up just a little more of cyberspace but that's only because I know that it doesn't matter HOW much space I take, there's always gonna be plenty left for the rest of the world. Ah, the wonder of cyberspace...

Besides, everyone else I knew were doing it. Yeah, totally lame thing to say but what the heck?!

I needed a change (as if I don't already have enough of it in my life!) and I figured new country, new look, new memories to make, so why not get a new space alltogether. Nevermind the fact that it's still within the blogspot sphere.

More later, there's a car waiting to be washed and the vacuum cleaner has my name on it. Lucky for me, the sun is not scorching today and the weather man said there's not gonna be any rain today.

(AARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! I just found out "The Devil Wears Prada" is coming out in Malaysia within the week! It's horrible that movies come out so late here!!!! I feel like screaming!!! I sooo wanna see it!!!!)

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